ESA Space Solutions Austria

Your partner to launch and grow your business powered by space
Business powered by space
ESA Space Solutions Austria
Boosting Austria’s space ecosystem with impact in our everyday lives

ESA Space Solutions is the go-to place for great business ideas involving space in all areas of society and economy. Their mission is to support entrepreneurs in Europe in the development of business using satellite applications and space technology.

In Austria, the ESA Space Solutions Austria is a hub for entrepreneurship and innovation powered by space, supporting in many ways students, SMEs, researchers and businesses in general to harness the power of space to boost their ideas.

The track record of Science Park Graz and its closest partners gained through the implementation of ESA BIC Austria since 2016 (supporting around 80 start-ups) and the enormous potential still to be discovered in Austria and beyond were fundamental reasons to expand and upgrade to the ESA Space Solutions Centre Austria.

ESA Space Solutions Centre Austria is a one-stop-shop for space-enabled innovation offering:

ESA BIC Austria
Your go-to place for space-enabled innovation
ESA BIC Austria is the place for entrepreneurs, start-ups, SMEs, researchers and students to realise their innovative ideas by integrating space data and technologies into their space or non-space businesses. ESA BIC Austria is your key partner in leveraging existing high-quality competences to create impactful solutions for the advancement of our society.
ESA Business Applications Austria
The booster for space-enabled projects
ESA Business Applications Ambassador in Austria offers a strong network and multiple funding opportunities for SMEs and industry players (e.g. ESA Spark Funding Austria) to boost their business by using space systems and technologies to support service innovation in multiple areas of the economy.
ESA Technology Broker Austria
Bringing Space and Earth together
The ESA Technology Broker Austria, Brimatech Services GmbH, is the key connecting element between the space industry or academia and a myriad of non-space sectors in Austria and in Europe. They fuel industry-innovation and growth by supporting the transfer of space technology, systems, services and know-how to non-space sectors, including ESA’s own Intellectual Property, and vice-versa.
Launch your business with space
Find more about opportunities open!
ESA BIC Austria incubatees
These are some of the excellent companies we work with at ESA BIC Austria.

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