• 01 — 04 — 2020 to 30 — 06 — 2020
Copernicus Prize Austria

Discover the brand new Copernicus Prizes awarded in cooperation with Austria!

In addition to the Copernicus Masters the European Commission powered additional prizes in cooperation with various regional or country partners! Be part of the Austrian Competition and apply now!

Rewards 2020

Cash prize
EUR 6,500 cash prize for the winner, EUR 1,000 for 1st runner-up, EUR 500 for 2nd runner-up

to an international network of cooperation partners, customers and investors

Mentoring opportunity
to exchange with experts from science and business and receive valuable mentoring

Awards ceremony
The winner will benefit from a free trip to the Awards Ceremony 2020 (max. budget EUR 1,000)

Additional Prizes

Extra EUR 10,000 Cash Prize if your concept gets selected as Copernicus Masters 2020 Overall Winner

Copernicus prize partner benefit

Support programmes
Various programmes dedicated to the support of startups by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency, Science Park Graz, and ESA BIC Austria.

Experienced team
An experienced team implementing Austria’s space policy and representing the country on international space committees, including the European Space Agency (ESA).

Space technologies
Space technologies ranging from telecommunications, transport, and security to environmental and climate research are a key point of interest

Apply now at Copernicus Masters.


Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)
Thomas Geist

We proudly announce that SPG and ESA BIC Austria also in 2020 are official partners.

Picture rights: Copernicus Masters


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