• 09 — 12 — 2021
  • online
Born Global Academy

The programme for Austrian Scaleups on the way to new markets

AUSSENWIRTSCHAFT AUSTRIA and weGrow International are thrilled to announce the Born Global Academy, a multi-pronged program for Austrian startups looking to scale internationally.
Participants will have the opportunity to expand their networks, working with experts from all over the globe, and better understanding their product/market fit. They’ll gain tools to outline their global strategy, and guidance on how to implement it.
The collaboration with AUSSENWIRTSCHAFT AUSTRIA and weGrow aims to synonymize Austria not just with skiing, but with innovative startups. For more information and registration: bornglobalacademy.at

Digital Fireside Chat
As part of the Born Global Academy, we will exchange experiences and anecdotes in an exciting fireplace chat with internationally active founders on December 9, 2021, analyze stumbling blocks, work on market entry barriers but also personal challenges on the internationalization path. The relentless exchange brings instructive insights to light, produces applicable take-aways and should also be entertaining in the end. The digital Fireside Chat takes place in English.


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