• 27 — 04 — 2021 to 30 — 04 — 2021
  • Vienna, Marx Halle

A four-day 4GAMECHANGERS TV SPECIAL on PULS 24 from April 27 – 30 will kick off a year of 4GAMECHANGERS events and happenings centered on sustainability, the power of cooperation and the shared path to a better future.

This April, everyone gets a front-row seat – because the 4GAMECHANGERS FESTIVAL is moving on-air and online in 2021. Lockdowns continue, but 4GAMECHANGERS and its partners are turning lemons into lemonade, first with a 4-day 4GAMECHANGERS TV SPECIAL, and then a year full of highlight events with inspiration for the head, heart and spirit. A year-long program of televised, online and in-person events will bring together trailblazers, thought leaders, policy makers and young minds, featuring hard talk, comedy, music and plenty of big-name surprises. 

The Kickoff begins with a 4GAMECHANGERS TV SPECIAL on PULS 24 and 4gamechangers.io, multiplying the massive reach of ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4 by the power of the 4Gamechangers network of movers and shakers – with a special focus on the Sustainable Development Goals and voices from the next generation.


27.04. – 4Pioneers Day: R&D, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
28.04. – 4Future Day: Health, Education and Life after Corona
29.04. – 4Gamechangers Day: Europe, democracy, digitalization and climate change
30.04. - 4Jobs Day in coop. with DER STANDARD: Austria gets back to “new” work 

Throughout 2021, 4GAMECHANGERS is delighted to welcome the speakers it had planned to include in the 2020 Festival as well as new top voices, including: Marc Elsberg (Author, Blackout), Scott Galloway (U.S. marketing and tech guru), Brittany Kaiser (whistleblower ex-Cambridge Analytica), June Cohen (CEO WaitWhat) Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker (honorary president Club of Rome)

Find all information here.


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