Space ideas for a sustainable future!
WOW! The Space4Energy Hackathon brought Space to Earth with enlightening ideas ???? and finished up with an amazing event @SPG.
In the past few weeks, ambitious teams developed solutions to addressing some of the greatest challenges of our time.
At the final event on November 4th, 2022 the most innovative solutions were honored with over 8,500 euros distributed to the winning teams.
More than 50 participants came up with 17 submissions in total, that fuelled the green energy revolution.
The four categories were supported by well-known project partners: Österreichische Bundesforste AG, Energie Steiermark, Kelag and Energie Agentur Steiermark had each outlined specific problems for the Space4Energy Hackathon - with the help of satellite data, the participants developed innovative solutions.
The organizers, around ESA Space Solutions Austria, Bundesministerium für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie, Mobilität, Innovation & Technologie and Green Energy Lab were delighted about the innovative power of the competition.
And the winners under the different categories are:
The "Space4Biomass" category was won by the start-up "Beetle ForTech" around founder Sebastian Vogler - in cooperation with Joanneum Research.
"Space4SpatialPlanning" goes to the start-up ubicube (around founder Andreas Salentinig).
Sahir Khan, Lukas Prenner and Karlheinz Gutjahr win as a newly formed team in the "Space4Wind" category.
The young company "wematics" around founder Max Aragon prevailed in the "Space4Thermal" category.
A big thank you to all participants, all partners and all people involved for making this Space4Energy Hackathon possible! Interacting with all of you from the team creation and ideation, to the presentations of impressive solutions was an uplifting and energising experience.