HTH – hope this helps! Well, it definitely did! The Health Tech Hub (HTH) Styria aims at linking start-ups to relevant players in technology transfer and strives for academia/industry & research collaborations as well as early-stage innovations. This year’s event exceeded all expectations!
While adapting to the global virological situation, the teams and participants in front and behind the scenes definitely rocked the “virtual” stage! The live stream in Graz attracted 670 entrants from more than 40 countries worldwide – counting a minimum of 380 participants online throughout the programme.
After a session of high-class keynotes held by top notch quartet of speakers, the start-ups had the opportunity to convince in the “Corporate Call” and “Investor Pitching Session”, followed by B2B meetings.
Science Park Graz together with SFG had the honour to host the investor pitching activity, which was of special interest for the ambitious start-ups.
Requiring a 3-minute pitch video including a pitch deck prior to the event provided an enormous scope of extraordinary applications, proving once again the potential of the European health-tech and life sciences field.
These innovative health- and biotech project founders were chosen to pitch live in front of stellar experts.
Looking back at an amazing event we are looking forward to the fourth edition of HTH Styria in 2022!
The Health Tech Hub Styria (HTH Styria) is an initiative of 6 leading stakeholders in the Styrian innovation system ( Styria, Joanneum Research, Medical University of Graz, SFG, Science Park Graz and City of Graz), kicked off in 2019.
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